Mural Installation in Challenging Spaces – MuralMoxie MuralMoxie Murals with attitude, for spaces with spirit. Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:08:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ?v=6.5.4 Overcoming the Challenges of Installing Peel and Stick Murals on High Ceilings MuralMoxie/overcoming-the-challenges-of-installing-peel-and-stick-murals-on-high-ceilings/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MuralMoxie/overcoming-the-challenges-of-installing-peel-and-stick-murals-on-high-ceilings/ Peel and stick murals are a popular choice for home decor due to their ease of use and versatility. However, installing these murals on high ceilings can present unique challenges. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to overcoming these challenges, ensuring a smooth and successful installation process.

II. Understanding Peel and Stick Murals

Definition and Benefits

Peel and stick murals are large, adhesive-backed wall coverings that can be easily applied and removed without damaging the surface underneath. They offer several benefits:

  • Ease of Installation: No need for paste or water.
  • Versatility: Available in various designs and sizes.
  • Temporary: Ideal for renters or those who like to change decor frequently.

Common Uses and Applications

Peel and stick murals are commonly used in:

  • Living Rooms: To create a focal point.
  • Bedrooms: For a personalized touch.
  • Offices: To enhance the workspace.
  • High Ceilings: To add visual interest and make a statement.

Why They Are Popular for High Ceilings

High ceilings can make a room feel more spacious and grand. Adding a mural can enhance this effect, drawing the eye upward and creating a dramatic visual impact.

III. Challenges of Installing Peel and Stick Murals on High Ceilings

Difficulty in Reaching and Maneuvering

High ceilings require ladders or scaffolding, making it challenging to reach and maneuver the mural into place.

Issues with Alignment and Straightness

Ensuring the mural is straight and aligned correctly can be difficult, especially when working at heights.

Adhesion Problems Due to Gravity

Gravity can cause the mural to peel away from the ceiling, especially if the adhesive is not strong enough.

Potential for Air Bubbles and Wrinkles

Air bubbles and wrinkles are common issues that can be exacerbated by the height and angle of the installation.

IV. Essential Tools and Materials

List of Necessary Tools

  • Ladder or Scaffolding: To reach high ceilings.
  • Smoothing Tool: To remove air bubbles.
  • Utility Knife: For trimming excess material.
  • Level: To ensure straight lines.
  • Measuring Tape: For accurate measurements.

Recommended Materials

  • High-Quality Peel and Stick Murals: Ensure strong adhesion.
  • Primer: To prepare the surface.
  • Painter’s Tape: To hold the mural in place temporarily.

Safety Equipment

  • Harness: For added safety when working at heights.
  • Gloves: To protect your hands.

V. Preparing the High Ceiling for Installation

Cleaning and Priming the Surface

  • Clean the Ceiling: Remove dust and debris.
  • Apply Primer: Ensure the surface is smooth and ready for the mural.

Ensuring the Ceiling is Dry and Smooth

  • Check for Moisture: Ensure the ceiling is completely dry.
  • Smooth the Surface: Sand any rough areas.

Marking Guidelines for Alignment

  • Use a Level: Draw straight lines to guide the installation.
  • Measure Twice: Ensure accuracy before applying the mural.

VI. Step-by-Step Installation Process

Pre-Cutting the Mural Strips

  • Measure the Ceiling: Determine the size of each strip.
  • Cut the Mural: Pre-cut strips to make installation easier.

Using a Level to Ensure Straight Lines

  • Align the First Strip: Use a level to ensure it is straight.
  • Apply Subsequent Strips: Align each strip with the previous one.

Techniques for Peeling and Sticking

  • Peel Back a Small Section: Start at the top.
  • Stick and Smooth: Use a smoothing tool to remove air bubbles.
  • Continue Peeling: Work your way down, smoothing as you go.

Tips for Smoothing Out Air Bubbles and Wrinkles

  • Use a Smoothing Tool: Apply firm pressure.
  • Work from the Center Outward: Push air bubbles to the edges.
  • Reposition if Necessary: Peel back and reapply if needed.

VII. Ti investigate this site ps for Overcoming Specific Challenges

Working with a Partner for Better Control

  • Team Effort: One person can hold the mural while the other smooths it out.

Using Painter’s Tape to Hold the Mural in Place

  • Temporary Hold: Use tape to secure the mural while you work.

Managing Large Mural Sections

  • Cut into Smaller Sections: Easier to handle and align.

Addressing Temperature and Humidity Issues

  • Control the Environment: Install in a controlled environment to prevent adhesion issues.

VIII. Post-Installation Care and Maintenance

Checking for and Fixing Any Loose Edges

    • Inspect the Mural: Look for any areas that may be peeling.

  • Reapply Adhesive: Use additional adhesive if necessary.

Cleaning the Mural Without Damaging It

  • Use a Soft Cloth: Gently wipe the surface.
  • Avoid Harsh Cleaners: Use mild soap and water.

Ensuring Long-Term Adhesion

  • Regular Inspections: Check periodically for any issues.
  • Maintain a Stable Environment: Avoid extreme temperature and humidity changes.

IX. Case Studies and Real-Life Examples

Success Stories from Homeowners and Professionals

  • Homeowner A: Successfully installed a mural on a 12-foot ceiling.
  • Professional B: Tips from a professional installer.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  • Mistake 1: Not using a level.
  • Solution: Always use a level to ensure straight lines.
  • Mistake 2: Rushing the installation.
  • Solution: Take your time to avoid air bubbles and wrinkles.

Visual Examples of Well-Installed High Ceiling Murals

  • Example 1: A beautifully installed mural in a living room.
  • Example 2: A dramatic mural in a high-ceilinged office.

X. Conclusion

Recap of Key Points

  • Preparation is Key: Clean and prime the surface.
  • Use the Right Tools: Ensure you have all necessary tools and materials.
  • Take Your Time: Avoid rushing to prevent mistakes.

Encouragement to Try Peel and Stick Murals on High Ceilings

  • Transform Your Space: High ceilings offer a unique opportunity for stunning decor.
  • Share Your Experience: We’d love to hear about your projects.

Invitation for Readers to Share Their Experiences and Tips

  • Join the Community: Share your tips and experiences in the comments.
How to Properly Trim and Fit Peel and Stick Murals Around Doors and Windows MuralMoxie/how-to-properly-trim-and-fit-peel-and-stick-murals-around-doors-and-windows/ Thu, 05 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MuralMoxie/how-to-properly-trim-and-fit-peel-and-stick-murals-around-doors-and-windows/ Peel and stick murals are a popular choice for home decor due to their ease of use and versatility. They allow you to add a personal touch to your space without the commitment of traditional wallpaper. However, to achieve a seamless look, especially around doors and windows, proper trimming and fitting are essential. This article will provide you with all the information you need to get it right.

II. Tools and Materials Needed

Before you start, gather the following tools and materials:

Essential Tools:

    • Scissors
    • Craft knife or utility knife
    • Squeegee or smoothing tool
    • Level

  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil

Optional Tools:

  • Laser level
  • Extra smoothing tool
  • Cutting mat

III. Preparing the Wall

Proper preparation is key to a successful mural application.


  1. Clean the Wall Surface: Use a damp cloth to remove any dust, dirt, or grease. Let the wall dry completely.
  2. Measure the Area: Measure the height and width of the wall, including the areas around doors and windows.
  3. Mark Guidelines: Use a level and pencil to draw vertical and horizontal lines. These will help you align the mural panels correctly.

IV. Applying the Mural

Applying the mural correctly ensures a smooth and bubble-free finish.


  1. Start from the Top: Begin at the top of the wall and work your way down.
  2. Align the First Panel: Align the first panel with your vertical guideline. Peel back a small section of the backing and stick it to the wall.
  3. Smooth Out Bubbles: Use a squeegee or smoothing tool to press the mural onto the wall, working from the center outwards to remove any bubbles or wrinkles.

V. Trimming Around Doors

Trimming around doors requires precision to ensure a clean look.


  1. Make Relief Cuts: At the corners of the door frame, make small relief cuts to help the mural lay flat.
  2. Trim Excess Material: Use a utility knife to trim the excess material around the door frame.
  3. Ensure a Snug Fit: Press the mural firmly around the edges of the door frame to ensure a snug fit.

VI. Trimming Around Windows

Windows can be challenging, but with the right technique, you can achieve a seamless look.


  1. Cut Diagonal Slits: At the corners of the window frame, cut diagonal slits to help the mural conform to the shape.
  2. Smooth Around the Frame: Use your smoothing tool to press the mural around the window frame.
  3. Trim Excess Material: Trim any excess material with a utility knife for a clean finish.

VII. Handling Obstacles and Corners

Obstacles like electrical sockets and corners can be tricky. Here’s how to handle them:


  1. Electrical Sockets and Switches: Remove the cover plates, apply the mural, and then trim around the openings. Replace the cover plates afterward.
  2. Vents and Other Obstacles: Make precise cuts around vents and other obstacles to ensure the mural lays fl click here for more info at.
  3. Inside and Outside Corners: For inside corners, make a small cut to allow the mural to fold neatly. For outside corners, overlap the mural slightly to ensure full coverage.

VIII. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure a professional finish:


IX. Tips for a Professional Finish

Follow these tips for a flawless finish:


  • Use a Level: Ensure straight lines by using a level.
  • Overlap Seams Slightly: Overlap seams slightly for better adhesion.
  • Check for Imperfections: Step back periodically to check for any imperfections and smooth them out.

X. Conclusion

Trimming and fitting peel and stick murals around doors and windows can be challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve a professional finish. Remember to take your time, follow the steps carefully, and enjoy the transformation of your space.

Installing Peel and Stick Murals in Tight Spaces and Corners MuralMoxie/installing-peel-and-stick-murals-in-tight-spaces-and-corners/ Wed, 20 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MuralMoxie/installing-peel-and-stick-murals-in-tight-spaces-and-corners/ Peel and stick murals offer a quick and stylish way to update your home decor. They are especially useful for renters or anyone who likes to change their decor frequently. However, installing these murals in tight spaces and corners requires careful planning and execution. This article will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to achieve a flawless installation.

II. Preparing for Installation

A. Surface Preparation

Before you start, it’s crucial to prepare the wall surface properly. This ensures that the mural adheres well and looks smooth.

B. Gathering Necessary Tools

Having the right tools on hand will make the installation process much smoother.

  • Utility Knife or Scissors: For cutting the mural to size.
  • Smoothing Tool or Squeegee: To smooth out air bubbles and wrinkles.
  • Tape Measure and Level: For accurate measurements and ensuring the mural is straight.
  • Ladder: For reaching high areas.

III. Measuring and Cutting

A. Accurate Measurements

Accurate measurements are key to a successful installation.

  • Measuring Wall Dimensions, Including Obstacles: Measure the height and width of the wall, including any windows, doors, or other obstacles.
  • Adding Extra Material for Trimming: Add a few extra inches to your measurements to allow for trimming and adjustments.

B. Cutting the Mural

Cutting the mural to the correct size before installation will save you time and hassle.

    • Cutting Strips to Size Before Installation: Cut the mural into manageable strips, making sure to label them for easy application.

  • Labeling and Organizing Strips for Easy Application: Organize the strips in the order they will be applied to avoid confusion.

IV. Installing the First Strip

A. Marking a Guide Line

A straight guide line will help ensure your mural is applied evenly.

  • Drawing a Straight Line for Alignment: Use a level to draw a straight vertical line on the wall where the first strip will go.
  • Importance of Starting with a Straight First Strip: Starting with a straight strip is crucial for the rest of the mural to align properly.

B. Applying the First Strip

Applying the first strip correctly sets the tone for the rest of the installation.

V. Navigating Corners and Tight Spaces

A. Inside Corners

Inside corners can be tricky, but with the right technique, you can achieve a seamless look.

  • Aligning and Smoothing the Mural into the Corner: Apply the mural up to the corner, then use a smoothing tool to press it into the corner.
  • Overlapping Seams for a Seamless Look: Overlap the next strip slightly to ensure there are no gaps.

B. Outside Corners

Outside corners require careful handling to ensure the mural wraps smoothly.

  • Wrapping the Mural Around the Corner: Gently wrap the mural around the corner, smoothing it as you go.
  • Ensuring Proper Alignment and Adhesion: Make sure the mural is aligned correctly and press firmly to ensure it sticks well.

VI. Working Around Obstacles

A. Windows and Doors

Windows and doors can interrupt the flow of your mural, but with careful trimming, you can achieve a professional finish.

  • Trimming Excess Material Around Frames: Use a utility knife to trim the mural around window and door frames.
  • Making Relief Cuts for a Snug Fit: Make small relief cuts in the mural to help it fit snugly around corners and edges.

B. Electrical Sockets and Switches

Safety is paramount when working around electrical sockets and switches.

  • Turning Off Power for Safety: Always turn off the power before working around electrical outlets.
  • Cutting Around Sockets and Switches: Use a utility knife to carefully cut the mural around sockets and switches, ensuring a neat finish.

VII. Adjustments and Finishing Touches

A. Smoothing and Trimming

Final adjustments will ensure your mural looks perfect.

  • Using a Smoothing Tool to Remove Bubbles: Go over the entire mural with a smoothing tool to remove any remaining air bubbles.
  • Trimming Excess Material Along Edges and Baseboards: Use a utility knife to trim any excess material along the edges and baseboards for a clean finish.

B. Pattern Alignment

Ensuring the pattern aligns correctly across strips is crucial for a seamless look.

  • Ensuring Patterns Match Across Strips: Take your time to align the patterns on each strip before sticking them down.
  • Making Slight Adjustments for a Perfect Fit: Make small adjustments as needed to ensure the pattern matches perfectly.

VIII. Common Mistakes to Avoid

A. Poor Surface Preparation

Skipping surface preparation can lead to poor adhesion and a less-than-perfect finish.

  • Importance of a Clean and Smooth Surface: Always clean and smooth the wall before applying the mural.

B. Misalignment

Starting with a misaligned strip can th click this row off the entire mural.

    • Ensuring the First Strip is Straight: Use a level to ensure the first strip is perfectly straight.

C. Inadequate Adhesion

Not applying enough pressure can result in the mural peeling off.

  • Using the Right Amount of Pressure and Smoothing: Press firmly and use a smoothing tool to ensure the mural sticks well.

IX. Tips for a Professional Finish

A. Taking Your Time

Rushing the installation can lead to mistakes.

  • Importance of Patience and Precision: Take your time to ensure each strip is applied correctly.

B. Seeking Help

Having an extra set of hands can make the process easier.

  • Benefits of Having an Extra Set of Hands: Enlist a friend or family member to help with the installation, especially for larger murals.

X. Conclusion

Installing peel and stick murals in tight spaces and corners can be challenging, but with the right preparation and techniques, you can achieve a professional finish. Remember to take your time, prepare the surface properly, and use the right tools. With these tips, you’ll be able to transform any room with ease. Happy decorating!

Dealing with Obstacles Like Electrical Outlets and Light Switches During Mural Installation MuralMoxie/dealing-with-obstacles-like-electrical-outlets-and-light-switches-during-mural-installation/ Wed, 06 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MuralMoxie/dealing-with-obstacles-like-electrical-outlets-and-light-switches-during-mural-installation/ Murals can transform a space, adding color, personality, and a unique touch. However, installing a mural isn’t always straightforward, especially when you encounter obstacles like electrical outlets and light switches. Proper installation ensures that the mural looks professional and lasts a long time.

B. Common Obstacles: Electrical Outlets and Light Switches

Electrical outlets and light switches are common obstacles that can disrupt the flow of a mural. These elements can be tricky to work around, but with the right techniques, you can seamlessly integrate them into your design.

C. Purpose of the Article

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to deal with electrical outlets and light switches during mural installation. By following these steps, you can achieve a flawless finish that enhances the overall look of your space.

II. Understanding the Challenges

A. Types of Obstacles: Outlets and Switches

Electrical outlets and light switches come in various shapes and sizes. Understanding the specific type of obstacle you’re dealing with is crucial for planning your mural installation.

B. Impact on Mural Aesthetics and Functionality

Obstacles can break the continuity of your mural, affecting its visual appeal. Additionally, improper handling can lead to functional issues, such as difficulty accessing switches or outlets.

C. Safety Considerations

Working around electrical components requires caution. Ensuring safety during the installation process is paramount to prevent accidents and damage.

III. Pre-Installation Planning

A. Assessing the Wall and Identifying Obstacles

Before starting, thoroughly assess the wall. Identify all the electrical outlets and light switches that will affect your mural. This step helps in planning the layout and design.

B. Gathering Necessary Tools and Materials

Ensure you have all the necessary tools and materials, including:

  • Measuring tape
  • Utility knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Insulated tools
  • Protective covers

C. Creating a Detailed Mural Design Plan

Create a detailed design plan that incorporates the locations of outlets and switches. This plan will guide you through the installation process, ensuring that you don’t overlook any obstacles.

IV. Preparing the Wall

A. Cleaning and Priming the Surface

Clean the wall to remove dust and debris. Apply a primer to ensure that the mural adheres properly. This step is crucial for a smooth and long-lasting finish.

B. Marking the Locations of Outlets and Switches

Use a pencil to mark the locations of all outlets and switches. This will help you accurately cut the mural material and avoid mistakes.

C. Protecting Electrical Components

Cover the outlets and switches with protective covers to prevent paint or adhesive from damaging them. This step also ensures safety during the installation process.

V. Techniques for Working Around Ou navigate to this site tlets

A. Measuring and Cutting the Mural Material

Measure the dimensions of the outlets and mark them on the mural material. Use a utility knife to cut out the marked sections. Precision is key to achieving a seamless look.

B. Using Templates for Precision

Create templates for the outlets to ensure accurate cuts. Templates can be made from cardboard or paper and can be reused for multiple outlets.

C. Applying the Mural Around Outlets

Carefully apply the mural material around the outlets. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles to ensure a clean finish. Use a utility knife to trim any excess material.

VI. Techniques for Working Around Light Switches

A. Removing Switch Plates

Remove the switch plates before applying the mural. This makes it easier to cut and fit the mural material around the switches.

B. Cutting and Fitting the Mural Material

Measure and cut the mural material to fit around the switches. Apply the material carefully, ensuring that it aligns with the switch openings.

C. Reinstalling Switch Plates

Once the mural is in place, reinstall the switch plates. Ensure that they fit snugly and do not interfere with the mural design.

VII. Ensuring Safety During Installation

A. Turning Off Power Supply

Always turn off the power supply before working around electrical components. This step is crucial to prevent electrical shocks and accidents.

B. Using Insulated Tools

Use insulated tools to avoid electrical hazards. Insulated tools provide an extra layer of protection when working around live wires.

C. Avoiding Damage to Electrical Components

Handle electrical components with care to avoid damage. Ensure that the outlets and switches remain functional after the mural installation.

VIII. Post-Installation Tips

A. Inspecting the Mural for Flaws

After installation, inspect the mural for any flaws or imperfections. Address any issues immediately to ensure a professional finish.

B. Touching Up Edges and Corners

Use a small brush to touch up the edges and corners of the mural. This step ensures that the mural looks seamless and well-integrated.

C. Ensuring Proper Adhesion

Check that the mural material adheres properly to the wall. Press down on any areas that may be lifting or bubbling.

IX. Maintenance and Care

A. Regular Cleaning and Dusting

Regularly clean and dust the mural to maintain its appearance. Use a soft cloth or a duster to avoid damaging the material.

B. Addressing Wear and Tear

Over time, the mural may experience wear and tear. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

C. Repairing Damaged Sections

If any sections of the mural become damaged, repair them using matching materials. This ensures that the mural remains cohesive and visually appealing.

X. Conclusion

A. Recap of Key Points

Dealing with obstacles like electrical outlets and light switches during mural installation requires careful planning and execution. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can achieve a professional and seamless finish.

B. Encouragement to Tackle Mural Projects

Don’t let obstacles deter you from creating beautiful murals. With the right techniques, you can overcome any challenge and transform your space.

C. Final Safety Reminders

Always prioritize safety when working around electrical components. Turn off the power supply, use insulated tools, and handle electrical components with care.

How to Install Peel and Stick Murals on Curved or Angled Walls MuralMoxie/how-to-install-peel-and-stick-murals-on-curved-or-angled-walls/ Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MuralMoxie/how-to-install-peel-and-stick-murals-on-curved-or-angled-walls/ Peel and stick murals are a fantastic way to add personality and style to any room. They are easy to apply, removable, and come in a variety of designs. However, installing them on curved or angled walls can be a bit tricky. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring a smooth and professional finish.

II. Tools and Materials Needed

Before you start, gather all the necessary tools and materials. Having everything on hand will make the installation process smoother.

Essential Tools:

  • Utility knife
  • Squeegee
  • Level
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil

Recommended Materials:

  • Peel and stick mural
  • Primer
  • Spackle
  • Sandpaper

III. Preparing the Wall

Proper wall preparation is crucial for a successful installation. Follow these steps to ensure your wall is ready:

  1. Clean the Wall Surface: Use a damp cloth to wipe down the wall, removing any dust, dirt, or grease.
  2. Sand and Smooth: If there are any imperfections, use sandpaper to smooth them out. Fill any holes or cracks with spackle and let it dry.
  3. Apply Primer: A primer will help the mural adhere better to the wall. Apply a coat of primer and let it dry completely.

IV. Measuring and Planning

Accurate measurements and careful planning are key to a successful installation.

  1. Measure the Wall Dimensions: Use a measuring tape to measure the height and width of the wall.
  2. Plan the Layout: Decide on the placement of the mural. Consider starting from a prominent area or the left side of the wall.
  3. Mark Guidelines: Use a pencil and level to draw vertical and horizontal guidelines. These will help you align the mural correctly.

V. Cutting the Mural

Cutting the mural into manageable strips will make the installation process easier.

  1. Pre-cut Strips: Measure and cut the mural into strips that fit the height of the wall.
  2. Ensure Pattern Alignment: Before cutting, make sure the pattern aligns correctly across the strips.
  3. Number the Strips: Number the back of each strip to keep them in order during installation.

VI. Installing the First Panel

Starting with the first panel is crucial. Follow these steps for a smooth start:

  1. Start from the Left Side: Begin from the left side or a prominent area of the wall.
  2. Draw a Vertical Guideline: Use a level to draw a vertical guideline where the first panel will go.
  3. Peel and Stick: Peel off a small section of the backing and stick the top of the panel to the wall. Gradually peel off the rest of the backing while smoothing the panel onto the wall.

VII. Working Around Curves and Angles

Curved and angled walls require special techniques for a seamless finish.

  1. Handle Curved Walls: For curved walls, make small relief cuts along the edges of the mural. This will help it conform to the curve.
  2. Make Relief Cuts: Use a utility knife to make small cuts in the mural where it needs to bend.
  3. Smooth Around Curves: Use a squeegee to smooth the mural around the curves, ensuring there are no air bubbles.

VIII. Dealing with Obstacles

Walls often have obstacles like windows, doors, and sockets. Here’s how to work around them:

  1. Install Around Windows and Doors: Measure and cut the mural to fit around windows and doors. Make precise cuts for a snug fit.
  2. Handle Sockets: Remove socket covers and apply the mural over the socket. Cut out the socket area and replace the cover.
  3. Reposition and Adjust: If needed, peel back the mural and reposition it for a better fit.

IX. Smoothing and Trimming

Once the mural is in place, it’s time to smooth and trim it for a professional finish.

  1. Remove Air Bubbles: Use a squeegee to smooth out any air bubbles. Start from the center and work your way outwards.
  2. Trim Excess Material: Use a utility knife to trim any excess material at the edges and corners.
  3. Ensure a Seamless Finish: Check the seams and edges to ensure they are smooth and seamless.

X. Final Touches and Maintenance

After installation, a few final touches will ensure your mural looks great and lasts long.

    1. Inspect for Imperfections: Check the mural for any imperfections or areas that need adjustment.
    2. Maintain the Mural: Keep the mural clean by wiping it with a damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals.
    3. Fix Issues: If any part of the mural starts to peel, use a small amount of adhesive to fix it.


Installing peel and stick murals on curved or angled walls can be challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, you can ac hop over to this web-site hieve a professional finish. Follow these steps carefully, and don’t be afraid to take your time. Enjoy your new, stylish wall, and feel free to share your experiences and tips in the comments below!
